Empowering Women in BOND
BONDw is our network of women members—a resource that fosters mentorship and relationship-building opportunities within the organization.
Romy Sharma, an alumna who graduated in 2020, started this initiative in April 2017 as a solution to some of BOND’s most prevalent issues. These issues included the low proportion of women members in the organization, and the need for institutionalized inclusion efforts. Romy attributes her early inspiration for BONDw from her Project Manager at that time, Megg Meneguzzi.
After receiving profound mentorship from Megg, Romy recognized the value of building these relationships with all the women in the club. BONDw continues to move this idea forward, and we are proud to support our women leaders.
Hi I’m Kayley! I’m a sophomore studying Economics and Political Science, and I joined BOND my first semester freshmen year. From the second I joined BOND, I was so inspired by everyone I met—from the people on my project team to the seniors who I coffee chatted. However, as I got to know everyone, I realized that BOND went beyond inspiration—it was a genuine community and support system. BONDw has been a crucial part of this culture, in particular through relationships with mentors such as my BOND Buddy, Kathleen; from getting boba after class to going grocery shopping together, she is always there to offer advice, encouragement, and help with recruiting. However, the women in BOND have been so much more than mentors—they’ve become my best friends and the people I admire most. This spring, my goal is to give back by fostering the same sense of connection and support that has meant so much to me. From BONDw socials to building professional resources in HATCHE, I am so excited to help grow and strengthen our community.
BOND love,

Each BONDw member is paired with an upperclassmen or alumna who serves as a formal mentor. Through phone calls and in-person coffee chats, the mentor shares her professional experiences from both the real world as well as from her time in BOND. This is an opportunity for our underclassmen to learn from and confide in experienced role models, and build relationships that lasts well beyond their time in college.
Nearly every month, the women in BOND come together and have a BONDing! From brunch to movie nights, these organized social events are foundational in creating a personal and close community. BONDw is a channel to form stronger connections with one another, making BOND a more comfortable environment for all.
Our Women in Business biweekly events provide a platform for members to connect, share insights, and empower each other in the business world. These meetings feature guest speakers, discussions on relevant topics, and opportunities for professional development.
"A powerhouse of intelligence, talent, and compassion, BONDw gave me what I needed to succeed as soon as I joined the club. I wouldn’t have been able to create the Women in Business biweekly or the Mental Health seminar without the unwavering support and constant motivation from the other girls. I truly look up to every girl in this organization, and I know that not only am I looking at future leaders but also people I hope to be friends with for the rest of my life."
“BONDw started my sophomore year and has been such a welcome addition to my time at Michigan. I’ve loved getting to know the other women in BOND (both older and younger)! BONDw provides a space for us to hang out and connect outside of our project teams. I’m looking forward to staying in touch even after I graduate and move to Chicago this year.”
"BONDw has taught me to be more confident and courageous in whatever I pursue. It not only gives us a safe space to talk about the shared adversity we face, but also one to have fun, with dancing classes, brunches, and game nights. BONDw has given me a group of role models to look up to—from freshmen to alumni—and inspires me to hold myself to a higher standard."
"I never expected to find a group of people so dedicated to opening new doors for others, but I felt so supported in my personal and professional endeavors. I’ve found a group of incredible women that makes Michigan feel like home– these are the people I had my first home-cooked meal at school with, the ones I turn to if I want someone to play a game or jam to Taylor Swift with, the ones that show up if I’m ever struggling, and the connections I know will last for many years to come."